Free Cage Sport Fence

The “Free Cage Sport Fence” is a modern, durable sports cage for public areas and private project. Transprarent, low noise sports cage which can be customized to fit into every enviroment. Free Cage Sport Fence is designed using polyethylene coated metal pipes, fittings made of rigid and durable plastic, vertical steel rope coated with PE fiber, all with customised color, shape and size. Each vertical cable has an amortizer sistem on the top and the bottom. Free Cage Sport Fence is quite by vibration of the vertical cables that reduces the noise. Each cable in our sport cage is handmade and high quality, in the event that the cable breaks it can easily be replaced on site without having to dismante the structure.
It’s durable and safe, because every metal part is plastic coated, steel ropes are PE fiber coated, and also because of cable thinness and vertical placement that doesn’t allow childrens to climb. Free Cage Sport Fence is ,,free” so that people can enlarge the cables and enter or exit the cage thanks to the amortizer system, but the ball can not exit the cage by shoting during the game.

  1. Polyethylene coated metal pipe
  2. Rigid plastic fitting
  3. Amortizer system
  4. Fiber coated steel rope